Partner Program Strategy
Service partner

When it comes to large value added resellers such as SHI and Softchoice etc, where do we begin? What can I do as a partner manager to get them to discuss us with their customers and prospects?

1 Answers
Josh Greene avatar
Josh Greene
Amazon Senior Manager AWS Marketplace Business
Large Value Added resellers are an important part of the sales ecosystem and offer a wide range of products, services and solutions for customers. In my experience, I see many emerging companies invest too much time on trying to get resellers to discuss new solutions with customers. While these partners are on constantly on the lookout for emerging solutions, they can become overwhelmed by the sheer volume. Keep in mind what some of the priorities for a reseller might include: 1/ generate margin - this drives the P&L of the company and is the backbone of reseller compensation 2/ solve problems for customers 3/ help the reseller remain and expand their roles as trusted advisor and acquisition facilitator. If your solution is complementary to something that has already reached sales maturity in that ecosystem, leverage that. A VC I worked with once told me that when trying to build out a partner ecosystem, you need to position your service to "stand on the shoulders of giants". I have kept that with me ever since.