Stakeholder Alignment
Service partner

What metrics are top of mind for executives and leadership teams when deciding to increase spend on partner budget?

3 Answers
Anna Kohnen avatar
Anna Kohnen
Figma Head of Business Development & Partnerships
Metrics will differ based on your partnership team’s goals (see notes above on metrics like total user engagement, influenced revenue, etc.). Demonstrating quantifiable impact that aligns with stated company goals is most important here, coupled with clear customer stories and examples that back up the value of your partner program. A good exercise here is to take materials that outline your company’s goals and overlay your partner program’s contribution(s) to each relevant area. You also want to be clear on the expected outcome from an increased investment in partner budget; if partner budget is increased, what can leaders expect and why does that matter to them? Be clear and realistic on the upside, downside, and risks associated with increasing partner spend.
Avi Hercenberg avatar
Avi Hercenberg
SmartSuite VP of Partnerships
At SmartSuite, it's pretty straight forward: MRR/ARR impact. Number of trails and conversions. We try to attribute partnerships to rev as closely as possible.
Catherine Brodigan avatar
Catherine Brodigan
Intercom Head of Partnerships
To expand a little bit on my earlier question - they’re going to care most about demonstrable impact your team is having, that’s clearly aligned with wider business priorities. So be prepared to dig in and show up as a strong driver of new business growth and/or existing business expansion and retention. But, in addition to that, being able to show comparative impact versus other channels on things like win rate and deal size, as well as team metrics like productivity, is really crucial.