Partner Marketing
Service partner

For co-marketing partnerships focused on digital promotion to each company’s user base (via emails, blog posts, etc.), how have you found success in crafting the user journey online? Is this something you e dealt with?

2 Answers
Sebastian Daly avatar
Sebastian Daly
Adjust Strategic Product Partnerships Lead
What I would advise here is to have a solid link-tracking strategy. Whether they’re ebooks, case studies, blog posts or virtual event sign-ups, you want to make sure that each partner is provided a separate link. This will ensure that the leads they drove can be attributed to their efforts and can be shared with them. Gating content behind a form ensures that you can follow up with the folks who are interested in the material. However, an important call-out is to ensure you include “partners” in your ask about collecting and sharing personal data.
Daniel Dawson avatar
Daniel Dawson
Aircall Sr. Partner Marketing Manager
Yes--this just goes back to good ol' regular marketing. Think about your prospect's buyer journey and what types of marketing campaigns or tactics make the most sense for the top-of-funnel, middle-of-funnel and bottom-of-funnel stages of the buyer journey. What does the buyer journey look like specifically for your business? Now, when considering partners, you may have a lot of different options for looping in a partner for a ToFu webinar on industry best practices. But, if you're lower in the funnel in the consideration/sale phase of your buyer's journey, they may be looking for bundled offers, discounts or other solutions for their needs. The way you present a partner here would be much different from the top of the funnel.