Register for AMA

We will email you Megan's answers to these questions after the event finishes


How does your marketing team usually work with your partner team to promote partners to customers?


When you're focusing on growing partner marketing sourced pipeline, what are some issues you've seen that have resulted in failed campaigns/strategies?


How do you approach motivating partners to engage in your partner program? What do they want and how do you give it to them?


What's the most effective way to scale partner adoption beyond the first few partner engagements that happen?


How can I get the customer success and support teams in my company to leverage service partners?


Should we be comping our sales team on involvement in partner deals and if so how should we set this up?


How do you know if your partner enablement strategy is successful?


What is the benefit of partner training and having partners get certified?


I'm a partner marketer that reports up to marketing and I'm struggling to get my partner-related projects prioritized. I suspect the main problem is lead attribution and how it affects team budgets/priorities between marketing and partnerships. Do you have any tips for increasing collaboration?


How do you demonstrate value and get prospective partners to the table (Outside of leveraging relationships) to kick off partnership discussions?