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How does your marketing team usually work with your partner team to promote partners to customers?

I'm still new here at Celigo, but in my previous role I would have a regular cadence scheduled with the Marketing team to highlight new and existing partners in our Partner Newsletter as well as choose a specific Partner to spotlight that week. We also had a "Featured Partner" section on our directory which would be customized quarterly to highlight key partners that stood out.

How do you approach motivating partners to engage in your partner program? What do they want and how do you give it to them?

Be different. I don't like to talk about the standard, cookie-cutter benefits of our program. I like to talk about the ease of partnering up. The benefit of having a partnership in place with an iPaaS vs. having to come up with your own integration strategy and having to build native integrations. I like to talk about the customer's experience and/or the prospect's journey throughout the process - going from a partner referral to entering a co-sell motion. The partner wants to know that the customer or prospect that they are referring will have a smooth journey, and thats the point I like to touch on.

What is your go-to playbook for activating newly recruited partners?

I think it all starts with one mutual customer. If we can find one mutual customer and find a way to make their process more efficient using both of our technologies, and then find a way to document this in the form of a case study, we can use that story to build our mutual customer base up.

How do you choose which technology partners are a good fit for your business?

This depends on what we are seeing in the field. I think we all tend to gravitate towards partnering with the most popular tech apps, thinking that those partnerships will naturally bring in more business because they are deemed the "most used" apps, but that isn't always the case when it comes to what you find within your customer base's tech stack. I tend to try to document the types of tools found in our customer's tool box, figure out what those tools could possibly connect those tools to, and then partner with those companies.

What have you experienced to be successful partner marketing tactics to generate leads for partners?

I think that ultimately, the partner wants to know if they can trust you with the prospects and/or customers that they are sending your way. If they feel that you are handling the lead hand-off with care, they will feel more comfortable sending more and more leads your way. The other part of that is making sure that you are able to take it further than just another sale - can you generate content from this new relationship such as creating data sheets and/or case studies, customer references etc. involving (and highlighting) the referring partners technology in that content.